Stem Cell Questions and Answers
Does the medical center also offer conventional treatment beside stem cell therapy?
Their treatment program is a combination of conventional medicine and stem cell therapy, but they do offer conventional treatment, especially for patients with certain neurological conditions caused by non-neural degeneration or non-inherited diseases such as post-stroke, brain trauma, etc.
There could be a significant difference between the conventional treatments. For example, to treat a post-stoke patient, the principal therapeutic goal of conventional medicine is to prevent a recurring stoke, by removing the risk factors, while their stem cell therapy would allow the restoration of some of the lost brain functioning by re-establishing the neural connections.
In their center, it's basically the patient's decision whether they want to have only the conventional medicine or a program that combines both conventional and stem cell therapy. They have also successfully treated over 100 post-stroke and brain trauma patients with conventional medicine only.
What kinds of stem cells does the medical center use and are they safe?
They currently use neural stem cells and retinal pigment epithelium derived from a spontaneously aborted fetus and mesenchymal stem cells from either bone marrow (autologous), umbilical cord or cord blood. In recent years, there are at least three Phase I clinical trials using fetal stem cells to treat neurological diseases which have been approved by the American FDA that include:
1. For Batten disease:
2. For Spinal Cord Injury
3. For ALS
The stem cells they use for transplant are processed and produced in SFDA certified GMP facilities. They are in full compliance with the NICPBP (National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical & Biological Products, SFDA) standards for clinically used stem cells. This ensures the highest product quality and safety.
Can you use adult stem cells from my own bone marrow?
Yes, if you do not have a genetic or hereditary metabolic disease, and you are young enough, they can use your own bone marrow stem cells.
Where do the stem cells come from? How are they processed and are they in anyway purified? Should there be a concern about them forming into the wrong type of cell and possibility resulting in the formation of a tumor?
The neural stem cells come from the neural system of the fetus (less than four months old), which are collected and further processed and manufactured by the National Industrial Base of Stem Cell Technology (i.e., the cells are separated, expanded in-vitro and purified under the strictest and most effectively controlled environment before they are sealed in vials for clinical implantation). These stem cells will not differentiate into any other kind of cells except neuron precursors.
To date, they have treated just over 1,000 patients and in the past five years of administering stem cell treatments there have been no cases of cell rejection, or the development of tumors.
Is stem cell treatment safe? Is it really effective?
They use systemic safety evaluations to control the safety of the stem cell treatment: They started the safety evaluation of stem cell treatment 10 years ago, with a study group of 30 volunteers who participated. Currently, all 30 volunteers are still in perfect health and to date, since 2005, they have treated over 1,000 patients using stem cell treatment and there has not been a single case of major observed safety problem or complication after the stem cell implantation procedure, although there can be some minor side effects associated with the treatment, such as headaches or muscle weakness, these can be easily overcome in a short amount of time.
Their doctors are very familiar with the biological nature of stem cells and they can guarantee the safety of the treatment throughout the entire procedure. Strict safety regulations are put in place, for the production of the stem cells, for the quality control of the stem cells prior to implantation, to the strict monitoring after the implantation, and finally in regards to the patient's follow up, every detail is scrutinized and the guidelines strictly adhered to.
How do I know if I am a good candidate for stem cell therapy?
The first step is to send them your medical records and diagnostic test results. They will then analyze your case. If your disease or disorder does not have a specific treatment program, and the symptoms are becoming increasingly serious, with severe neurological functioning damage, and biotherapy could help with nerve remodeling, improve functioning, change the quality of your life and prolong it, then they will suggest you have stem cell treatment, if you don't have any contraindications.
What methods do you use to transplant stem cells into the patient's body?
The following are the four methods they use:
1. Transplantation of the neural stem cells by performing a lumber puncture between the L3-4 intervertebral discs in order to treat brain and spinal cord lesions.
2. Transplantation of the neural stem cells or retinal pigment epithelium by performing a stereotactic brain operation in order to treat patients with Idiopathic Parkinson's disease (OEIPD).
3. Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells through vein infusion in order to treat diabetes, liver or rheumatology diseases.
4. Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells by the use of muscle injection to treat diseases like muscular dystrophy.
They use medications and biofeedback techniques to regulate the stem cells' proliferation and differentiation inside the patient's body, in order to form the regular synapses and complete the nerve remodeling and repair the nerve damage.
What should I expect to experience during the stem cell treatment?
Generally speaking, the patient won't feel any discomfort during the stem cell treatment, and their neural functioning will improve gradually. Only a small number of patients (less than 10%) develop a minor fever, headache, nausea, or vomiting. But these reactions won't last more than three days and they will be controlled in a short amount of time.
How long should I expect to stay in Beijing for the treatment?
Generally five weeks is required, with four stem cell injections via the subarachnoid cavity by lumbar puncture, or a tissue injection such as stereotactic brain injection, intramuscular injection, or intravenous injection.
Do the doctors use anesthesia during the operation?
Most of the procedures only require local anesthesia, and they will use some sedative medication for nervous patients. The patients will be awake during the operation and it will be a painless procedure that will allow them to communicate to the doctor during the entire process.
What other drugs does the doctor combine with the stem cells for therapy?
The stem cell therapy is just a part of the whole treatment. During pre-operation they will use medication to improve the brain's microenvironment in order to make sure the injected stem cells can survive inside the body. During post-operation some medication will be used to protect the stem cells from being self-eliminated, and to help the stem cells locate, proliferate and differentiate in the damaged area. At the same time they combine rehabilitation training to help the stem cells develop the desired functions.
What are the neural growth factors that they use before the stem cells are administered?
The neural growth factor treatment is unique and very effective and was developed by Dr. Wu and Dr. Wang. It combines a group of medications. The combination and the dosage of the medications are changed at various intervals throughout the treatment process and are dictated by the patient's condition.
The treatment focuses on adjusting the neural-immune-endocrine system:
1. Before the stem cells implantation, a series of medications are used to prepare the brain's internal environment to ensure the stem cells have the best opportunity for growth.
2. Certain medications are used to induce the damaged area into producing special signals that attract stem cells after the implantation. (The stem cells are attracted to the damaged area and begin the repairing process with the damaged neurons).
3. Medications such as neural growth factors assist in the differentiation of the stem cells to help the new neurons express normal functioning in the patient's body.
Is there an age restriction imposed by the medical center on patients?
Previously, the minimum age for stem cell treatment was three years old. This age was imposed by Dr. Wu's medical team because the stem cell treatment technology was not as advanced at that time. Now the treatment technology is far better and completely safe and our medical center has now treated patients as young as four months old. The safety while treating such young patients can be guaranteed because of the increased effectiveness and development of the stem cell treatment technology over the past several years.
Is it possible for you to manufacture the TPP1 enzyme and deliver it?
The stem cells, after implantation, can produce the TPP1 enzyme themselves. They come from normal genes. Also the stem cells, after implantation, can suppress the part of the defective expression of the TPP1 enzyme in the body.
When I send my records to the medical center, does a doctor read my medical information?
When your records arrive at the medical center, they will send them to an appropriate neurological stem cell doctor (one of a few experts who can control stem cell generation, growth, expression function and transformation). The doctor will evaluate your neural functioning, and design an appropriate treatment plan for you.
What types of rehabilitation training is done?
The rehabilitation training is a necessary part of the overall stem cell treatment. The rehabilitation doctor will give the patient physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy according to the patient's needs. These therapies will help the injected stem cells to have more accurate and effective functioning.
What will my treatment schedule be like?
The treatment schedule will be designed according to each patient's unique medical condition. In general, the duration of the treatment is five weeks long. Ordinarily, during the first week they perform necessary examinations, and make the preparations for the stem cell infusion, including improving the microenvironment, cleaning out the toxins, nourishing the nerves, and doing rehabilitation training. During the second week they transplant the stem cells and begin to do some post-operation treatment, including immune and endocrine regulation, etc., to make sure the infused stem cells can survive, and to promote cell proliferation, differentiation and improve neuro-functioning. The stem cells will be implanted once per week.
If I have to have surgery, how long will it take for the wound to heal?
Patients undergoing the lumbar puncture procedure need to rest in bed for six hours without a pillow, after the surgery. If there is no discomfort after that time period, the patient can participate in some light activity after two days.
Does the doctor have to penetrate the spinal canal to infuse the stem cells?
Yes, but the stem cells are infused by a highly experienced neurologist.
Will I lose very much blood?
The stem cell implantation procedure will not cause much blood loss, commonly less than 10ml, so the patient will not need a blood transfusion, except in the cases of severe anemia or a blood disease.
If there is surgery, can I fly back home before the wound has healed?
The lumbar operation patient would not be able to fly home before the wound has healed. The patient will stay in the hospital for some time to make sure the stem cells can survive and differentiate. When the patient is discharged, the wound will have completely healed and they can fly home at that time.
Their treatment program is a combination of conventional medicine and stem cell therapy, but they do offer conventional treatment, especially for patients with certain neurological conditions caused by non-neural degeneration or non-inherited diseases such as post-stroke, brain trauma, etc.
There could be a significant difference between the conventional treatments. For example, to treat a post-stoke patient, the principal therapeutic goal of conventional medicine is to prevent a recurring stoke, by removing the risk factors, while their stem cell therapy would allow the restoration of some of the lost brain functioning by re-establishing the neural connections.
In their center, it's basically the patient's decision whether they want to have only the conventional medicine or a program that combines both conventional and stem cell therapy. They have also successfully treated over 100 post-stroke and brain trauma patients with conventional medicine only.
What kinds of stem cells does the medical center use and are they safe?
They currently use neural stem cells and retinal pigment epithelium derived from a spontaneously aborted fetus and mesenchymal stem cells from either bone marrow (autologous), umbilical cord or cord blood. In recent years, there are at least three Phase I clinical trials using fetal stem cells to treat neurological diseases which have been approved by the American FDA that include:
1. For Batten disease:
2. For Spinal Cord Injury
3. For ALS
The stem cells they use for transplant are processed and produced in SFDA certified GMP facilities. They are in full compliance with the NICPBP (National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical & Biological Products, SFDA) standards for clinically used stem cells. This ensures the highest product quality and safety.
Can you use adult stem cells from my own bone marrow?
Yes, if you do not have a genetic or hereditary metabolic disease, and you are young enough, they can use your own bone marrow stem cells.
Where do the stem cells come from? How are they processed and are they in anyway purified? Should there be a concern about them forming into the wrong type of cell and possibility resulting in the formation of a tumor?
The neural stem cells come from the neural system of the fetus (less than four months old), which are collected and further processed and manufactured by the National Industrial Base of Stem Cell Technology (i.e., the cells are separated, expanded in-vitro and purified under the strictest and most effectively controlled environment before they are sealed in vials for clinical implantation). These stem cells will not differentiate into any other kind of cells except neuron precursors.
To date, they have treated just over 1,000 patients and in the past five years of administering stem cell treatments there have been no cases of cell rejection, or the development of tumors.
Is stem cell treatment safe? Is it really effective?
They use systemic safety evaluations to control the safety of the stem cell treatment: They started the safety evaluation of stem cell treatment 10 years ago, with a study group of 30 volunteers who participated. Currently, all 30 volunteers are still in perfect health and to date, since 2005, they have treated over 1,000 patients using stem cell treatment and there has not been a single case of major observed safety problem or complication after the stem cell implantation procedure, although there can be some minor side effects associated with the treatment, such as headaches or muscle weakness, these can be easily overcome in a short amount of time.
Their doctors are very familiar with the biological nature of stem cells and they can guarantee the safety of the treatment throughout the entire procedure. Strict safety regulations are put in place, for the production of the stem cells, for the quality control of the stem cells prior to implantation, to the strict monitoring after the implantation, and finally in regards to the patient's follow up, every detail is scrutinized and the guidelines strictly adhered to.
How do I know if I am a good candidate for stem cell therapy?
The first step is to send them your medical records and diagnostic test results. They will then analyze your case. If your disease or disorder does not have a specific treatment program, and the symptoms are becoming increasingly serious, with severe neurological functioning damage, and biotherapy could help with nerve remodeling, improve functioning, change the quality of your life and prolong it, then they will suggest you have stem cell treatment, if you don't have any contraindications.
What methods do you use to transplant stem cells into the patient's body?
The following are the four methods they use:
1. Transplantation of the neural stem cells by performing a lumber puncture between the L3-4 intervertebral discs in order to treat brain and spinal cord lesions.
2. Transplantation of the neural stem cells or retinal pigment epithelium by performing a stereotactic brain operation in order to treat patients with Idiopathic Parkinson's disease (OEIPD).
3. Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells through vein infusion in order to treat diabetes, liver or rheumatology diseases.
4. Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells by the use of muscle injection to treat diseases like muscular dystrophy.
They use medications and biofeedback techniques to regulate the stem cells' proliferation and differentiation inside the patient's body, in order to form the regular synapses and complete the nerve remodeling and repair the nerve damage.
What should I expect to experience during the stem cell treatment?
Generally speaking, the patient won't feel any discomfort during the stem cell treatment, and their neural functioning will improve gradually. Only a small number of patients (less than 10%) develop a minor fever, headache, nausea, or vomiting. But these reactions won't last more than three days and they will be controlled in a short amount of time.
How long should I expect to stay in Beijing for the treatment?
Generally five weeks is required, with four stem cell injections via the subarachnoid cavity by lumbar puncture, or a tissue injection such as stereotactic brain injection, intramuscular injection, or intravenous injection.
Do the doctors use anesthesia during the operation?
Most of the procedures only require local anesthesia, and they will use some sedative medication for nervous patients. The patients will be awake during the operation and it will be a painless procedure that will allow them to communicate to the doctor during the entire process.
What other drugs does the doctor combine with the stem cells for therapy?
The stem cell therapy is just a part of the whole treatment. During pre-operation they will use medication to improve the brain's microenvironment in order to make sure the injected stem cells can survive inside the body. During post-operation some medication will be used to protect the stem cells from being self-eliminated, and to help the stem cells locate, proliferate and differentiate in the damaged area. At the same time they combine rehabilitation training to help the stem cells develop the desired functions.
What are the neural growth factors that they use before the stem cells are administered?
The neural growth factor treatment is unique and very effective and was developed by Dr. Wu and Dr. Wang. It combines a group of medications. The combination and the dosage of the medications are changed at various intervals throughout the treatment process and are dictated by the patient's condition.
The treatment focuses on adjusting the neural-immune-endocrine system:
1. Before the stem cells implantation, a series of medications are used to prepare the brain's internal environment to ensure the stem cells have the best opportunity for growth.
2. Certain medications are used to induce the damaged area into producing special signals that attract stem cells after the implantation. (The stem cells are attracted to the damaged area and begin the repairing process with the damaged neurons).
3. Medications such as neural growth factors assist in the differentiation of the stem cells to help the new neurons express normal functioning in the patient's body.
Is there an age restriction imposed by the medical center on patients?
Previously, the minimum age for stem cell treatment was three years old. This age was imposed by Dr. Wu's medical team because the stem cell treatment technology was not as advanced at that time. Now the treatment technology is far better and completely safe and our medical center has now treated patients as young as four months old. The safety while treating such young patients can be guaranteed because of the increased effectiveness and development of the stem cell treatment technology over the past several years.
Is it possible for you to manufacture the TPP1 enzyme and deliver it?
The stem cells, after implantation, can produce the TPP1 enzyme themselves. They come from normal genes. Also the stem cells, after implantation, can suppress the part of the defective expression of the TPP1 enzyme in the body.
When I send my records to the medical center, does a doctor read my medical information?
When your records arrive at the medical center, they will send them to an appropriate neurological stem cell doctor (one of a few experts who can control stem cell generation, growth, expression function and transformation). The doctor will evaluate your neural functioning, and design an appropriate treatment plan for you.
What types of rehabilitation training is done?
The rehabilitation training is a necessary part of the overall stem cell treatment. The rehabilitation doctor will give the patient physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy according to the patient's needs. These therapies will help the injected stem cells to have more accurate and effective functioning.
What will my treatment schedule be like?
The treatment schedule will be designed according to each patient's unique medical condition. In general, the duration of the treatment is five weeks long. Ordinarily, during the first week they perform necessary examinations, and make the preparations for the stem cell infusion, including improving the microenvironment, cleaning out the toxins, nourishing the nerves, and doing rehabilitation training. During the second week they transplant the stem cells and begin to do some post-operation treatment, including immune and endocrine regulation, etc., to make sure the infused stem cells can survive, and to promote cell proliferation, differentiation and improve neuro-functioning. The stem cells will be implanted once per week.
If I have to have surgery, how long will it take for the wound to heal?
Patients undergoing the lumbar puncture procedure need to rest in bed for six hours without a pillow, after the surgery. If there is no discomfort after that time period, the patient can participate in some light activity after two days.
Does the doctor have to penetrate the spinal canal to infuse the stem cells?
Yes, but the stem cells are infused by a highly experienced neurologist.
Will I lose very much blood?
The stem cell implantation procedure will not cause much blood loss, commonly less than 10ml, so the patient will not need a blood transfusion, except in the cases of severe anemia or a blood disease.
If there is surgery, can I fly back home before the wound has healed?
The lumbar operation patient would not be able to fly home before the wound has healed. The patient will stay in the hospital for some time to make sure the stem cells can survive and differentiate. When the patient is discharged, the wound will have completely healed and they can fly home at that time.