Spinal Cord Injury Patient Stories
Kenny Potts (24 years old), SCI (Broken C5 and fractured C4 & C6)
Home: California, USA
Note from Advancells: Please be sure to read down to the more recent updates (3/18/2012 & 9/9/2012) from Kenny's mother, Tammy.
My name is Kenny Potts. I am 24 years old. I was 22 years old when I broke my neck riding my dirt bike at a local track in Perris, California. I reside in Riverside, California (USA). By trade, I am a carpenter working for Panelize Structures out of Chino, CA. I was a member of the Carpenters Union Local 944. I rode my dirt bike to relieve stress and for fun. My favorite times were spent hanging out with my friends at the lake; camping, riding my bike and dirt bike. I have spent most of my life enjoying outdoor sports and activities. That is how my accident came to be.
On July 24th, 2008, I went to a local track to ride and meet up with a few friends. It was a nice summer evening. Just after arriving and riding 1 lap around the track, I was getting ready to perform a routine jump when my front tire hit a rut and planted, flipping me over my handle bars and crashing right onto my head. Right away, my instinct was to stand and I remember standing, but was then told not to move and was forced back down to the ground where the paramedics came and assessed my injuries. I had no real damage to my body other than a broken C5 and fractures in my C4 & C6. You couldn't even tell that I had broken my neck; I had no facial damage, cuts or bruises. I was then transported by ambulance to a local trauma hospital, where after a few hours, they told my parents that I had a broken neck and that I would never eat, breathe, walk or hold anything on my own. My mom had told me not to believe what the doctors said, because they were not god - just doctors and that everything would be okay. We just needed to find the right path to follow.
I was hospitalized for 1 week at the local trauma hospital, where they performed surgery on my C5 injury. The surgeon used part of my own hip bone to fix my injury, but then the hospital decided they needed to trache me so I could breathe, and then they decided that I would not be able to eat on my own for months, so they surgically implanted a feeding tube into my side. I ended up having pneumonia after being transferred to a hospital sponsored by our medical insurance company. There I spent another 3 weeks, before being placed in their inpatient rehabilitation center. The doctors there also told me and my parents the same news, quadriplegic; never going to stand, or walk on my own, but I might regain a little use of my hands. Just like that, my mom said the same thing, "they are just doctors. We will find the right path, and look into stem cell treatment."
Well the rehabilitation didn't really make me progress very much. I was sore and in pain more often than not, but it was part of a required process from my insurance. My whole body was weak and tired, but I did have very strong muscle spasms. They were so strong that they would kick me out of bed. We were told that the spasms were not good. The doctors recommended that I take some pills to deaden the nerves but I didn't. We knew that the spasms had to mean something good. After a lot of research, my mom found the link to Advancells. Was this the path we were supposed to take? I was tired of being weak and wanted to start being more independent. My body knew that I wanted to heal, but my brain had a hard time being convinced that I could recover from my injury. I had already been experiencing sensations in my lower body; pins and needle feelings in my legs, tingling in my back and legs, and pains in my knees. I was having the shakes throughout my body. My legs would start twitching for no reason, but my doctors told me that it was just a result of the injury and not to think it was a good sign for recovering. Tired of my doctors' negative feedback, we decided to fill out the application and give adult stem cells a try.
After I was approved by the center, I was asked to gather all of my medical information from the injury. It was not hard to do. I submitted my documents, obtained my passport and my parents made all the transportation and hotel arrangements for my treatment. Excited and scared at the same time. 2 months later (October 24, 2009) we were flying to the center for treatment. I had improved a little prior to treatment, but was given hope with all the symptoms I was having. The first thing my parents noticed after the treatment was my skin coloring improved. My mom never told me that my skin had a grayish look to it, but it did and almost immediately after the cells were placed into my spinal canal, my natural color returned. That was not the only immediate improvement - I was hungry. I could feel my stomach being hungry. After a while, my mom would notice me saying that my butt hurt, my back hurt, my legs are cold (and they were), my legs were hot (and they were). I could feel the warmth of the sun on my body. I could feel sensations of needing to use the restroom. My spasms were getting stronger and harder (a good thing, the center had warned me about that happening). I was feeling like my spine was finely healing. After a few months, I returned to physical therapy. I had given my therapist the recommended treatments that the center had given me, but my therapists were limited on my treatment time and were unable to meet all of my needs. I continued to improve. Then we made the decision to hire a personal trainer. She comes to our house and uses the recommended therapies that the center had given me. We train 4 days a week. My strength has improved in my hands, legs and torso. I am able to stand with assistance in my standing frame for up to 1 hour at a time. My back muscles are returning as well as my stomach muscles. It has taken a lot of hard work, and without the treatment I don't think I would be in the place I am right now. My trainer charts all of my exercises, and improvements. She is excited to hear that we will be traveling to the center for an additional treatment. There is nothing I want more than to be able to have total use of my hands and legs. I know that with a second treatment I will be on the right path to full recovery.
Just to share with others this has been the best opportunity I could have ever had to help heal my spine. I know that the center is very supportive at seeing their patients achieve the most out of stem cell treatment as possible. The staff at the clinic are very supportive, are very professional and have been very helpful to myself and family. The doctors are informative and the procedure is quick and almost pain free. The center assisted us with all needs, travel, transportation and hotel information. The people were always so kind, especially when we mentioned that we were there for medical treatment at the center. We were always happy with the service we received, everybody wanted to make sure that we had all we needed. As a strong believer and stem cell patient, I would recommend this treatment to others who are suffering from an injury or debilitating disease. There is nothing like healing your own body from within, and thanks to the clinic, I have been given the opportunity to heal and take the steps needed to walk again.
Update on Kenny Potts SCI patient from the USA - 12/15/2010
I am proud to write this update about our son Kenny Potts, age 24 years old. Well, it's been over 1 year since Kenny's stem cell treatment and he continues to regain muscle memory, strength and more sensations. At this time Kenny is working with a personal trainer who has geared his work outs to Kenny's abilities. Well, at Kenny's last measurements of muscle mass, he continues to prove that he is gaining muscle mass in areas that we were told by our USA doctors that would never happen. We own those changes to the stem cell treatment and dedicated training.
Kenny uses a "Total Gym" as his main piece of exercise equipment, but also works out using an exercise ball, electric bike and a standing frame. He works out 3-4 days per week with his trainer. She has followed all of the recommended therapies that we were given by the center. They work!!!!! Kenny continues to regain strength in his back, shoulder arms and legs. Well, truly his legs have been very strong and stubborn, especially when they want to stretch. We were told by our USA doctors that it's not good to have spasms, but we have found out that it is good. When we apply pressure to certain parts of Kenny's body below the injury he can feel it... It's amazing! I can rub his feet and he can feel me rubbing his feet. If his lower back hurts in a certain area, I can push down on is back and he can tell me if I am hitting the right area or not. Although Kenny does not have complete use of both hands, he has regained strength in his grip and has a pretty strong punch. We are aware that another treatment is vital for Kenny to continue on his path for a full recovery and to regain use of his hands. Kenny wants to swing a hammer, climb a ladder and get the heck out of our house! And that's just what we want for him.
Through Kenny's injury, I have become very passionate in helping others with spinal cord injuries. I know that the stem cell treatment that Kenny received has helped him realize that he will walk again. It just takes time to work through healing the spine and overcoming all of the challenges that the injury has caused. The numbness is gradually going away with every exercise he does. The pain of working out and the kinks in the body can be harsh, but it is well worth it, especially when you see Kenny do things that he had done before. It brings tears to our eye. Then we have to snap out of it because Kenny does not want that kind of sympathy. He is very strong willed and thinks very "highly" of the doctors' treatment. As a family, we can't thank the clinic enough for allowing us to share Kenny's treatment and recovery with others.
Attached is a photo of Kenny standing in his standing frame on 9/27/10. On this day, his friend and trainer assisted him standing. If you look really hard, you will notice that his spinal muscles are returning, along with his calves which are regaining proper muscle definition. His arms look good as well. That was 2 ½ months ago. Now his back has more definition, his legs look a lot better and his arms are much stronger.
Kenny can't wait for the day to return for his second treatment. He knows that his second treatment is the "key" to recovering fully. By the way, Kenny had a couple of prior injuries that he didn't let heal properly and since the treatment he knows that they have healed properly now.
Please feel free to ask me any questions you have about the treatment. There are many young Americans and people around the world who are benefiting from Advancells stem cell process. It has made a world of difference in our son's recovery. And hopefully, in a few months I can update his profile talking about his second treatment and the progress he continues to make.
Thank you for making a difference in our family's life.
Following Story Re-posted from RiderDown.org - January, 2010
Hello I would like to share some information about Stem Cell Treatments that uses Adult Stem Cells.
Our son Kenny injured his spinal cord on July 24, 2008. Kenny rode his motorcycle as a stress reliever and to just have fun. Kenny was riding at a local track and went over a small jump and fell over his handle bars breaking his C-5, and fracturing his C-4 & C-6.
Kenny's initial diagnosis was total paralysis from the chest down, we were told that he would never be able to eat, drink or breathe on his own. Well as a mom I never took that diagnosis seriously.
After months of therapy and rehabilitation we decided to look into Stem Cell Therapy. I found a center in Germany that uses your own "Adult Stem Cells", which are better for your body and recovery because they are not foreign and they know were to go and what to heal once they are re-entered into the body. After researching the center and the treatment we applied and submitted an application to receive treatment for our son Kenny.
Kenny was approved for treatment, so we scheduled and planned our trip to Germany. Kenny received his treatment on October 28, 2009. The procedure is on an outpatient basis, it quick and pretty much pain free. This procedure is many years ahead of American medicine, our doctors at Kaiser have told us, and we have seen positive results.
Kenny is now gaining strength, weight, muscle, more hand & trunk control. Although Kenny isn't fully independent we are still hopeful for a full recovery. We have begun to follow the therapy treatments that were given to us at the center, it seems to be working. We are planning to return for another treatment hopefully sometime this year.
We are very happy with Kenny's results we would love to see other riders receive the treatment and gain more results during their rehabilitation. Time line of the injury is not limited. The center treats patients with all types of injuries and many years after the injury has happened.
The name of the center is called Advancells. The cost for the treatment runs around $12,000. We spent under $20,000 for 3 of us, including hotel, airfare, transportation and treatment.
I have been given approval to refer new patients to Advancells. If you are interested please email or contact me with a reply and I will submit your name to the center. I will be happy to answer any questions.
By me submitting your name the center will know that the injury was related to a motorcycle/ATV accident. They are interested in recoveries that come from this type accident. This will also help further their research on SCI motorcycle accidents.
Update on Kenny Potts SCI patient from the USA - 3/18/2012
Kenny continues to improve and is just excited about attend rehabilitation.
He is training at Nextstep Fitness in California USA, where everyone is a former athlete and in a wheelchair.
I will continue to provide pictures and updates for your website of Kenny's progress. I will also continue to promote "Aadvancells," as if it wasn't for their research and therapies we believe that Kenny wouldn't be this far in his progress.
Update on Kenny Potts SCI patient from the USA - 9/9/2012
I just wanted to update you on Kenny. He continues to progress and regain more muscles and strength. He has more feelings in both legs and more sensations in his fingers. We have started a Facebook Page, it is titled "Finish Strong Kenny Potts." We have posted a few videos and pictures of him working out at NextStep Fitness. I would like to invite you to post them on your website.
As you will see in the videos he is regaining more control in his torso and in his arms, which are not so limp. He attends training 3 days a week. We are convinced along with his doctor that both the stem cell treatment and proper physical training Kenny will continue to thrive.
Home: California, USA
Note from Advancells: Please be sure to read down to the more recent updates (3/18/2012 & 9/9/2012) from Kenny's mother, Tammy.
My name is Kenny Potts. I am 24 years old. I was 22 years old when I broke my neck riding my dirt bike at a local track in Perris, California. I reside in Riverside, California (USA). By trade, I am a carpenter working for Panelize Structures out of Chino, CA. I was a member of the Carpenters Union Local 944. I rode my dirt bike to relieve stress and for fun. My favorite times were spent hanging out with my friends at the lake; camping, riding my bike and dirt bike. I have spent most of my life enjoying outdoor sports and activities. That is how my accident came to be.
On July 24th, 2008, I went to a local track to ride and meet up with a few friends. It was a nice summer evening. Just after arriving and riding 1 lap around the track, I was getting ready to perform a routine jump when my front tire hit a rut and planted, flipping me over my handle bars and crashing right onto my head. Right away, my instinct was to stand and I remember standing, but was then told not to move and was forced back down to the ground where the paramedics came and assessed my injuries. I had no real damage to my body other than a broken C5 and fractures in my C4 & C6. You couldn't even tell that I had broken my neck; I had no facial damage, cuts or bruises. I was then transported by ambulance to a local trauma hospital, where after a few hours, they told my parents that I had a broken neck and that I would never eat, breathe, walk or hold anything on my own. My mom had told me not to believe what the doctors said, because they were not god - just doctors and that everything would be okay. We just needed to find the right path to follow.
I was hospitalized for 1 week at the local trauma hospital, where they performed surgery on my C5 injury. The surgeon used part of my own hip bone to fix my injury, but then the hospital decided they needed to trache me so I could breathe, and then they decided that I would not be able to eat on my own for months, so they surgically implanted a feeding tube into my side. I ended up having pneumonia after being transferred to a hospital sponsored by our medical insurance company. There I spent another 3 weeks, before being placed in their inpatient rehabilitation center. The doctors there also told me and my parents the same news, quadriplegic; never going to stand, or walk on my own, but I might regain a little use of my hands. Just like that, my mom said the same thing, "they are just doctors. We will find the right path, and look into stem cell treatment."
Well the rehabilitation didn't really make me progress very much. I was sore and in pain more often than not, but it was part of a required process from my insurance. My whole body was weak and tired, but I did have very strong muscle spasms. They were so strong that they would kick me out of bed. We were told that the spasms were not good. The doctors recommended that I take some pills to deaden the nerves but I didn't. We knew that the spasms had to mean something good. After a lot of research, my mom found the link to Advancells. Was this the path we were supposed to take? I was tired of being weak and wanted to start being more independent. My body knew that I wanted to heal, but my brain had a hard time being convinced that I could recover from my injury. I had already been experiencing sensations in my lower body; pins and needle feelings in my legs, tingling in my back and legs, and pains in my knees. I was having the shakes throughout my body. My legs would start twitching for no reason, but my doctors told me that it was just a result of the injury and not to think it was a good sign for recovering. Tired of my doctors' negative feedback, we decided to fill out the application and give adult stem cells a try.
After I was approved by the center, I was asked to gather all of my medical information from the injury. It was not hard to do. I submitted my documents, obtained my passport and my parents made all the transportation and hotel arrangements for my treatment. Excited and scared at the same time. 2 months later (October 24, 2009) we were flying to the center for treatment. I had improved a little prior to treatment, but was given hope with all the symptoms I was having. The first thing my parents noticed after the treatment was my skin coloring improved. My mom never told me that my skin had a grayish look to it, but it did and almost immediately after the cells were placed into my spinal canal, my natural color returned. That was not the only immediate improvement - I was hungry. I could feel my stomach being hungry. After a while, my mom would notice me saying that my butt hurt, my back hurt, my legs are cold (and they were), my legs were hot (and they were). I could feel the warmth of the sun on my body. I could feel sensations of needing to use the restroom. My spasms were getting stronger and harder (a good thing, the center had warned me about that happening). I was feeling like my spine was finely healing. After a few months, I returned to physical therapy. I had given my therapist the recommended treatments that the center had given me, but my therapists were limited on my treatment time and were unable to meet all of my needs. I continued to improve. Then we made the decision to hire a personal trainer. She comes to our house and uses the recommended therapies that the center had given me. We train 4 days a week. My strength has improved in my hands, legs and torso. I am able to stand with assistance in my standing frame for up to 1 hour at a time. My back muscles are returning as well as my stomach muscles. It has taken a lot of hard work, and without the treatment I don't think I would be in the place I am right now. My trainer charts all of my exercises, and improvements. She is excited to hear that we will be traveling to the center for an additional treatment. There is nothing I want more than to be able to have total use of my hands and legs. I know that with a second treatment I will be on the right path to full recovery.
Just to share with others this has been the best opportunity I could have ever had to help heal my spine. I know that the center is very supportive at seeing their patients achieve the most out of stem cell treatment as possible. The staff at the clinic are very supportive, are very professional and have been very helpful to myself and family. The doctors are informative and the procedure is quick and almost pain free. The center assisted us with all needs, travel, transportation and hotel information. The people were always so kind, especially when we mentioned that we were there for medical treatment at the center. We were always happy with the service we received, everybody wanted to make sure that we had all we needed. As a strong believer and stem cell patient, I would recommend this treatment to others who are suffering from an injury or debilitating disease. There is nothing like healing your own body from within, and thanks to the clinic, I have been given the opportunity to heal and take the steps needed to walk again.
Update on Kenny Potts SCI patient from the USA - 12/15/2010
I am proud to write this update about our son Kenny Potts, age 24 years old. Well, it's been over 1 year since Kenny's stem cell treatment and he continues to regain muscle memory, strength and more sensations. At this time Kenny is working with a personal trainer who has geared his work outs to Kenny's abilities. Well, at Kenny's last measurements of muscle mass, he continues to prove that he is gaining muscle mass in areas that we were told by our USA doctors that would never happen. We own those changes to the stem cell treatment and dedicated training.
Kenny uses a "Total Gym" as his main piece of exercise equipment, but also works out using an exercise ball, electric bike and a standing frame. He works out 3-4 days per week with his trainer. She has followed all of the recommended therapies that we were given by the center. They work!!!!! Kenny continues to regain strength in his back, shoulder arms and legs. Well, truly his legs have been very strong and stubborn, especially when they want to stretch. We were told by our USA doctors that it's not good to have spasms, but we have found out that it is good. When we apply pressure to certain parts of Kenny's body below the injury he can feel it... It's amazing! I can rub his feet and he can feel me rubbing his feet. If his lower back hurts in a certain area, I can push down on is back and he can tell me if I am hitting the right area or not. Although Kenny does not have complete use of both hands, he has regained strength in his grip and has a pretty strong punch. We are aware that another treatment is vital for Kenny to continue on his path for a full recovery and to regain use of his hands. Kenny wants to swing a hammer, climb a ladder and get the heck out of our house! And that's just what we want for him.
Through Kenny's injury, I have become very passionate in helping others with spinal cord injuries. I know that the stem cell treatment that Kenny received has helped him realize that he will walk again. It just takes time to work through healing the spine and overcoming all of the challenges that the injury has caused. The numbness is gradually going away with every exercise he does. The pain of working out and the kinks in the body can be harsh, but it is well worth it, especially when you see Kenny do things that he had done before. It brings tears to our eye. Then we have to snap out of it because Kenny does not want that kind of sympathy. He is very strong willed and thinks very "highly" of the doctors' treatment. As a family, we can't thank the clinic enough for allowing us to share Kenny's treatment and recovery with others.
Attached is a photo of Kenny standing in his standing frame on 9/27/10. On this day, his friend and trainer assisted him standing. If you look really hard, you will notice that his spinal muscles are returning, along with his calves which are regaining proper muscle definition. His arms look good as well. That was 2 ½ months ago. Now his back has more definition, his legs look a lot better and his arms are much stronger.
Kenny can't wait for the day to return for his second treatment. He knows that his second treatment is the "key" to recovering fully. By the way, Kenny had a couple of prior injuries that he didn't let heal properly and since the treatment he knows that they have healed properly now.
Please feel free to ask me any questions you have about the treatment. There are many young Americans and people around the world who are benefiting from Advancells stem cell process. It has made a world of difference in our son's recovery. And hopefully, in a few months I can update his profile talking about his second treatment and the progress he continues to make.
Thank you for making a difference in our family's life.
Following Story Re-posted from RiderDown.org - January, 2010
Hello I would like to share some information about Stem Cell Treatments that uses Adult Stem Cells.
Our son Kenny injured his spinal cord on July 24, 2008. Kenny rode his motorcycle as a stress reliever and to just have fun. Kenny was riding at a local track and went over a small jump and fell over his handle bars breaking his C-5, and fracturing his C-4 & C-6.
Kenny's initial diagnosis was total paralysis from the chest down, we were told that he would never be able to eat, drink or breathe on his own. Well as a mom I never took that diagnosis seriously.
After months of therapy and rehabilitation we decided to look into Stem Cell Therapy. I found a center in Germany that uses your own "Adult Stem Cells", which are better for your body and recovery because they are not foreign and they know were to go and what to heal once they are re-entered into the body. After researching the center and the treatment we applied and submitted an application to receive treatment for our son Kenny.
Kenny was approved for treatment, so we scheduled and planned our trip to Germany. Kenny received his treatment on October 28, 2009. The procedure is on an outpatient basis, it quick and pretty much pain free. This procedure is many years ahead of American medicine, our doctors at Kaiser have told us, and we have seen positive results.
Kenny is now gaining strength, weight, muscle, more hand & trunk control. Although Kenny isn't fully independent we are still hopeful for a full recovery. We have begun to follow the therapy treatments that were given to us at the center, it seems to be working. We are planning to return for another treatment hopefully sometime this year.
We are very happy with Kenny's results we would love to see other riders receive the treatment and gain more results during their rehabilitation. Time line of the injury is not limited. The center treats patients with all types of injuries and many years after the injury has happened.
The name of the center is called Advancells. The cost for the treatment runs around $12,000. We spent under $20,000 for 3 of us, including hotel, airfare, transportation and treatment.
I have been given approval to refer new patients to Advancells. If you are interested please email or contact me with a reply and I will submit your name to the center. I will be happy to answer any questions.
By me submitting your name the center will know that the injury was related to a motorcycle/ATV accident. They are interested in recoveries that come from this type accident. This will also help further their research on SCI motorcycle accidents.
Update on Kenny Potts SCI patient from the USA - 3/18/2012
Kenny continues to improve and is just excited about attend rehabilitation.
He is training at Nextstep Fitness in California USA, where everyone is a former athlete and in a wheelchair.
I will continue to provide pictures and updates for your website of Kenny's progress. I will also continue to promote "Aadvancells," as if it wasn't for their research and therapies we believe that Kenny wouldn't be this far in his progress.
Update on Kenny Potts SCI patient from the USA - 9/9/2012
I just wanted to update you on Kenny. He continues to progress and regain more muscles and strength. He has more feelings in both legs and more sensations in his fingers. We have started a Facebook Page, it is titled "Finish Strong Kenny Potts." We have posted a few videos and pictures of him working out at NextStep Fitness. I would like to invite you to post them on your website.
As you will see in the videos he is regaining more control in his torso and in his arms, which are not so limp. He attends training 3 days a week. We are convinced along with his doctor that both the stem cell treatment and proper physical training Kenny will continue to thrive.
Michael Delaney (21 years old), C2, C3 and C5 SCI
Residence: Whangarei, New Zealand
Story by: Allan and Ellan Delaney (parents)
The Accident
In late December 2007 Michael broke the adontoid peg off C2 and damaged C3 and C5 in a swimming accident. He lay face down in the water because he was paralysed and when he was pulled from the water unconscious, the paramedic resuscitated him. He gradually regained movement down his left side but was totally paralysed down his right side and had limited sensation/feeling down his left side.
He had an operation in which a screw was put in place to secure the peg in C2, however after six weeks this was not successful and so he wore a halo for 3 months in an attempt to mend the bones. This too was unsuccessful and in late May he had another operation, which fused C1 and C2 and eventually, in October, his spine was finally stabilised and he could finally begin intensive exercise. However his spinal cord was damaged and very slowly, he has regained movement down his right side.
First Stem Cell Treatment
In April, Michael travelled with his family from New Zealand to Germany, where he had his first stem cell treatment. After this treatment, when he returned home, he continued to work with a physiotherapist 3 times a week and at the gym for at least 2 hours a day. Before this treatment his development had slowed right up even with all the exercise, but by June after the stem cell treatment, he had gained more dexterity in his hand. Before the treatment, he was barely able to write and sign his name but by July, he was able to write his own lecture notes at University. He was now able to throw and catch a ball and began to develop a running technique on the treadmill and began to play darts.
Second Stem Cell Treatment
In December, he returned with his family to the clinic for his second stem cell treatment. Since this treatment, he is slowly improving his running technique and is now able to bowl over-arm (as in a cricket game) and play tennis. He can balance on his right leg for at least 5 minutes. Before his treatment, he could only do 30 seconds.
Michael's Message on Recovery and Stem Cell Therapy
Before the accident, Michael was a very talented hockey player. He was playing for the New Zealand Junior Black Sticks and was well known in many parts of New Zealand for his hockey ability and bright future. Since his accident, he along with his family, has been on TV and in the newspapers telling New Zealanders about his journey and how stem cell treatment, along with regular physiotherapy and constant work in the gymnasium, have helped him to almost gain full recovery.
Michael's message is that stem cell treatment is well worthwhile. He had quite serious headaches for about four to five days after the treatment, but in spite of this he knows that a positive attitude, hard work and stem cell treatment have helped him get where he is today.
Residence: Whangarei, New Zealand
Story by: Allan and Ellan Delaney (parents)
The Accident
In late December 2007 Michael broke the adontoid peg off C2 and damaged C3 and C5 in a swimming accident. He lay face down in the water because he was paralysed and when he was pulled from the water unconscious, the paramedic resuscitated him. He gradually regained movement down his left side but was totally paralysed down his right side and had limited sensation/feeling down his left side.
He had an operation in which a screw was put in place to secure the peg in C2, however after six weeks this was not successful and so he wore a halo for 3 months in an attempt to mend the bones. This too was unsuccessful and in late May he had another operation, which fused C1 and C2 and eventually, in October, his spine was finally stabilised and he could finally begin intensive exercise. However his spinal cord was damaged and very slowly, he has regained movement down his right side.
First Stem Cell Treatment
In April, Michael travelled with his family from New Zealand to Germany, where he had his first stem cell treatment. After this treatment, when he returned home, he continued to work with a physiotherapist 3 times a week and at the gym for at least 2 hours a day. Before this treatment his development had slowed right up even with all the exercise, but by June after the stem cell treatment, he had gained more dexterity in his hand. Before the treatment, he was barely able to write and sign his name but by July, he was able to write his own lecture notes at University. He was now able to throw and catch a ball and began to develop a running technique on the treadmill and began to play darts.
Second Stem Cell Treatment
In December, he returned with his family to the clinic for his second stem cell treatment. Since this treatment, he is slowly improving his running technique and is now able to bowl over-arm (as in a cricket game) and play tennis. He can balance on his right leg for at least 5 minutes. Before his treatment, he could only do 30 seconds.
Michael's Message on Recovery and Stem Cell Therapy
Before the accident, Michael was a very talented hockey player. He was playing for the New Zealand Junior Black Sticks and was well known in many parts of New Zealand for his hockey ability and bright future. Since his accident, he along with his family, has been on TV and in the newspapers telling New Zealanders about his journey and how stem cell treatment, along with regular physiotherapy and constant work in the gymnasium, have helped him to almost gain full recovery.
Michael's message is that stem cell treatment is well worthwhile. He had quite serious headaches for about four to five days after the treatment, but in spite of this he knows that a positive attitude, hard work and stem cell treatment have helped him get where he is today.
Zivota Jeremic (50 years old), SCI
How it Happened
In March 2005, I suffered a car accident. My injuries were severe and I became paralyzed.
The Consequences
My left arm was completely non-functional. I could use my right arm with 40% capacity, but fine motor control was lacking. I had no feeling below my chest, although I was able to sense the need for urination and defecation. My life had completely changed. I began to lose hope because conventional medicine had no answer to my predicament.
During 2008, I realized that the implantation of stem cells would give me a new chance for a better life.
The entire staff at the clinic maintained a high level of professionalism throughout my stay. From the time their driver met me at the airport in a modified vehicle to the time I returned home, everyone did a superb job.
After my lumbar puncture treatment in September 2008, I started with daily exercise and high motivation for recovery. After 6 months, sensation in my back and partially in stomach muscles has returned. Feeling returned in my right leg, and partially in my left leg. Now, I have complete feeling in my private parts and most importantly my erections are now the same as they were before the accident!
My hand coordination has completely returned. Fine motor skills have significantly improved in the right hand. Left arm mobility and function is 50% better, hand 25%. Now I use it almost as well as my right hand.
My quality of life and independence have improved dramatically compared to previous condition. Therefore, I have no doubt about undergoing another stem cell treatment becoming so encouraged after this initial success.
How it Happened
In March 2005, I suffered a car accident. My injuries were severe and I became paralyzed.
The Consequences
My left arm was completely non-functional. I could use my right arm with 40% capacity, but fine motor control was lacking. I had no feeling below my chest, although I was able to sense the need for urination and defecation. My life had completely changed. I began to lose hope because conventional medicine had no answer to my predicament.
During 2008, I realized that the implantation of stem cells would give me a new chance for a better life.
The entire staff at the clinic maintained a high level of professionalism throughout my stay. From the time their driver met me at the airport in a modified vehicle to the time I returned home, everyone did a superb job.
After my lumbar puncture treatment in September 2008, I started with daily exercise and high motivation for recovery. After 6 months, sensation in my back and partially in stomach muscles has returned. Feeling returned in my right leg, and partially in my left leg. Now, I have complete feeling in my private parts and most importantly my erections are now the same as they were before the accident!
My hand coordination has completely returned. Fine motor skills have significantly improved in the right hand. Left arm mobility and function is 50% better, hand 25%. Now I use it almost as well as my right hand.
My quality of life and independence have improved dramatically compared to previous condition. Therefore, I have no doubt about undergoing another stem cell treatment becoming so encouraged after this initial success.
Zvonko Milojevic (38 years old), SCI
Serbian News Update - January 25, 2011
How It Happened
I was paralyzed after a car accident. Following that accident, I followed advice to undergo autologous stem cell treatment.
My First Treatment
My first treatment was in December 2008. After that treatment, I did my best to exercise; a combination of physical therapy and swimming pool exercises. However, the recovery was slow because I had spasms. Because of these spasms, improvement was not as expected.
My Second Treatment
In June 2009, I underwent a second treatment via lumbar puncture. Afterwards, I continued intensive exercise. Spasms significantly decreased and the improvement was visible. Approximately 4 months after my second treatment, I started to move my hips left and right. Moreover, I was able to move and control my stomach muscles which was not the case before the second round of stem cells. I also began to feel strong numbness in the back side of my legs and heels, as well as in my legs more generally. My overall condition had improved.
My Third Treatment
My third stem cell treatment was performed in January 2010. The doctor told me that I must consistently work on my physical therapy and that any results can be expected in the following 3 to 6 months. I hope that further progress will be obvious. I do not want to regress.
My Outlook
I will continue with physical therapy and stem cell treatments until I can stand on my own. I am completely committed to this goal.
Serbian News Update - January 25, 2011
How It Happened
I was paralyzed after a car accident. Following that accident, I followed advice to undergo autologous stem cell treatment.
My First Treatment
My first treatment was in December 2008. After that treatment, I did my best to exercise; a combination of physical therapy and swimming pool exercises. However, the recovery was slow because I had spasms. Because of these spasms, improvement was not as expected.
My Second Treatment
In June 2009, I underwent a second treatment via lumbar puncture. Afterwards, I continued intensive exercise. Spasms significantly decreased and the improvement was visible. Approximately 4 months after my second treatment, I started to move my hips left and right. Moreover, I was able to move and control my stomach muscles which was not the case before the second round of stem cells. I also began to feel strong numbness in the back side of my legs and heels, as well as in my legs more generally. My overall condition had improved.
My Third Treatment
My third stem cell treatment was performed in January 2010. The doctor told me that I must consistently work on my physical therapy and that any results can be expected in the following 3 to 6 months. I hope that further progress will be obvious. I do not want to regress.
My Outlook
I will continue with physical therapy and stem cell treatments until I can stand on my own. I am completely committed to this goal.
Patricia Miller (51 years old), SCI
How It Happened
On November 21, 2001 I fell 20 feet off the roof of our house. I sustained a spinal cord injury at T12, L1, L2, and also a C7 fracture. My right ankle was also shattered.
I was airlifted to a trauma center and woke up 2 days later. They set my ankle and waited for the swelling to go down. Two days after my accident I had back surgery, and a flexible plate was put in. A week after my accident my right ankle was rebuilt in surgery. I was told I would never walk again. I asked if that was the case, then why could I feel the doctor's hand on my foot. I was then considered incomplete paraplegic. My response to them was, "It's in God's hands now".
I was transferred from the trauma center to a rehabilitation center. I finished my program early and returned home on December 22, 2001.
A lot of my recovery consisted of physiotherapy, massage therapy with essential oils, and intense chiropractic adjustments. I feel that these were of the most beneficial therapies I have done. I had a lot of spasticity in my legs and needed to have a Baclofen pump implanted. I hated being on all the medications, and I used as much natural or alternative therapies as possible.
I traveled to Pennsylvania for a Photonic Therapy treatment also. My leg swere so swollen from fluid and my right foot was purple and cold all the time. The Photonic treatment was successful in getting rid of the fluid without drugs and also helped my right foot.
Before the stem cell treatment, I was at a plateau where nothing was changing or going forward. I started to search the Internet for adult stem cell treatments and found the Advancells website. I researched this for about a year before deciding to try this. My decision was made by asking God to put a road block in my way if I shouldn't have it done. The next day I was listening to a Christian radio station, and they were talking about the benefits of adult stem cell transplants. It was the affirmation I needed, and I contacted the clinic for treatment.
I needed to go off my Baclofen medication two weeks before having the transplants. Six months prior to my transplant I was also able to go off my pain medications because of my Chiropractic treatments. These treatments straightened my spine which allowed the nerve signals to work properly or recover from the Spinal Cord Injury. My spasticity had returned.
On December 5, 2008 I had my first stem cell transplant. We returned home and one week after the transplant I noticed my spasticity had decreased by about 85% and I could now put my feet flat on the floor. I was not on any Baclofen medication at this time. At two and a half weeks, I started to feel hot and cold temperatures again. At five weeks, the muscles that had nerve damage on my right side started to fire again and show signs of activity. I am still seeing changes while continuing with physiotherapy, chiropractic, and massage therapy. In March of 2009, I had my Baclofen pump removed.
On June 17, 2009, we returned for my second transplant. I am already noticing more warmth and less purple color in my right foot. My physiotherapist is noticing my muscles gaining more strength all the time. I will continue with all my therapies until one day when I am able to walk with my grandchildren. I believe with all of my heart that God is our physician and we are his instruments. He works through all of us and there is always hope.
On August 7, 2009 I walked 40 feet with my crutches. My spasticity is gone. The only time I notice it is after my physiotherapy. My therapist said that it is from muscle fatigue.
Progress Update December 2009
From: PATRICIA MILLER [mailto:edited for privacy concerns]
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 7:56 AM
Subject: Re: edited for privacy concerns
I can report that since my last stem cell transplant, I have regained some nerve function in my ankles. We can now feel them firing during Physiotherapy. They were not previous to my procedure. My back strength has improved. It is more symetrical in muscle strength. I have noticed that I also have better bowel and bladder strength or control also. I had some when I left but not at this level. When I walk with my crutches at therapy I walk with more of a natural stride. Before I would swing my right leg around instead of moving it forward as in walking.
We are going to do the muscle testing soon at therapy. I will let you know the results ASAP.
How It Happened
On November 21, 2001 I fell 20 feet off the roof of our house. I sustained a spinal cord injury at T12, L1, L2, and also a C7 fracture. My right ankle was also shattered.
I was airlifted to a trauma center and woke up 2 days later. They set my ankle and waited for the swelling to go down. Two days after my accident I had back surgery, and a flexible plate was put in. A week after my accident my right ankle was rebuilt in surgery. I was told I would never walk again. I asked if that was the case, then why could I feel the doctor's hand on my foot. I was then considered incomplete paraplegic. My response to them was, "It's in God's hands now".
I was transferred from the trauma center to a rehabilitation center. I finished my program early and returned home on December 22, 2001.
A lot of my recovery consisted of physiotherapy, massage therapy with essential oils, and intense chiropractic adjustments. I feel that these were of the most beneficial therapies I have done. I had a lot of spasticity in my legs and needed to have a Baclofen pump implanted. I hated being on all the medications, and I used as much natural or alternative therapies as possible.
I traveled to Pennsylvania for a Photonic Therapy treatment also. My leg swere so swollen from fluid and my right foot was purple and cold all the time. The Photonic treatment was successful in getting rid of the fluid without drugs and also helped my right foot.
Before the stem cell treatment, I was at a plateau where nothing was changing or going forward. I started to search the Internet for adult stem cell treatments and found the Advancells website. I researched this for about a year before deciding to try this. My decision was made by asking God to put a road block in my way if I shouldn't have it done. The next day I was listening to a Christian radio station, and they were talking about the benefits of adult stem cell transplants. It was the affirmation I needed, and I contacted the clinic for treatment.
I needed to go off my Baclofen medication two weeks before having the transplants. Six months prior to my transplant I was also able to go off my pain medications because of my Chiropractic treatments. These treatments straightened my spine which allowed the nerve signals to work properly or recover from the Spinal Cord Injury. My spasticity had returned.
On December 5, 2008 I had my first stem cell transplant. We returned home and one week after the transplant I noticed my spasticity had decreased by about 85% and I could now put my feet flat on the floor. I was not on any Baclofen medication at this time. At two and a half weeks, I started to feel hot and cold temperatures again. At five weeks, the muscles that had nerve damage on my right side started to fire again and show signs of activity. I am still seeing changes while continuing with physiotherapy, chiropractic, and massage therapy. In March of 2009, I had my Baclofen pump removed.
On June 17, 2009, we returned for my second transplant. I am already noticing more warmth and less purple color in my right foot. My physiotherapist is noticing my muscles gaining more strength all the time. I will continue with all my therapies until one day when I am able to walk with my grandchildren. I believe with all of my heart that God is our physician and we are his instruments. He works through all of us and there is always hope.
On August 7, 2009 I walked 40 feet with my crutches. My spasticity is gone. The only time I notice it is after my physiotherapy. My therapist said that it is from muscle fatigue.
Progress Update December 2009
From: PATRICIA MILLER [mailto:edited for privacy concerns]
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 7:56 AM
Subject: Re: edited for privacy concerns
I can report that since my last stem cell transplant, I have regained some nerve function in my ankles. We can now feel them firing during Physiotherapy. They were not previous to my procedure. My back strength has improved. It is more symetrical in muscle strength. I have noticed that I also have better bowel and bladder strength or control also. I had some when I left but not at this level. When I walk with my crutches at therapy I walk with more of a natural stride. Before I would swing my right leg around instead of moving it forward as in walking.
We are going to do the muscle testing soon at therapy. I will let you know the results ASAP.
Justin McCray (17 years old), SCI
Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Injured Athlete to Return to School
by Stan Caldwell
Hattiesburg American - January 10, 2010
Monday will be a red-letter day for Justin McCray.
Bright and early on Monday morning, McCray will meet the bus outside his home in the Glendale community and go to school.
So, why is that a big deal, you ask?
Because McCray, a junior at North Forrest High School, has not attended classes for more than a year, ever since he was seriously injured in a junior varsity football game.
Monday will be his first day back in class since his injury.
"I'm real excited about it," McCray said. "I like being up there at school with all my classmates."
Not only will it be a big day for McCray, but it will be a big day for the school.
"He has gotten so much back, just since we came back from Germany."
"It's going to be a huge day," North Forrest football coach Shannon White said. "It's been a long journey for him, his family and for our school. We're looking forward to his getting on somewhat of a getting-back-to-normal situation."
Since suffering a broken neck in a game at Purvis on Sept. 9, 2008, McCray has made slow, but steady, progress in his bid to regain the use of his legs.
"He has definitely made tremendous progress," said physical therapist Jennifer Stewart, owner of Excelerated Rehab and Fitness. "He has made so many gains in so many areas."
Despite missing more than a year of class time, Justin is on schedule to graduate with his class in 2011, thanks to online course work provided by the school. He already is making plans to attend Southern Mississippi.
"It's really important for me to know I can still graduate with my class," McCray said. "I've always been a goal-oriented person. I'm thinking about (a major in) marketing. But, I'm also looking at some other avenues."
A trip to Germany in August for a stem-cell procedure appears to have made a significant impact in McCray's recovery.
"It was different, very different," McCray said. [1] "They went up in my hip bone and took the stem cells out, then injected me in my spinal canal. It left me with a bad headache for about a day. But other than that, it wasn't too bad."
The procedure, involves removing bone marrow from the patient, from which the stem cells are processed, then implanting the cells back into the patient.
The clinic claims about a 60 percent success rate in patients with spinal-cord injuries.
McCray still needs a wheelchair to get around, but he's now strong enough to move a non-mechanized chair himself, and has gained the ability to move himself from his wheelchair.
He's regained significant movement and feeling from his waist up, and is starting to regain at least some feeling in his feet. More importantly, he is now able to stand up in leg braces and can walk a few steps with assistance.
"We're still hopeful that he'll get up and be able to walk," said Marche' Maye, Justin's mother. "He has gotten so much back, just since we came back. He's starting to feel things below his waist, and he's gotten some of his personal things back."
Those, "personal things," such as the ability to use the bathroom unassisted, are among the things people take for granted. But for someone who has been paralyzed, regaining that ability can be a major step.
"We can't imagine what that's like," Stewart said. "All of his goals relating to therapy are pointed toward gaining as much independence as possible. The more independent we can make him, the better it is for him."
There is no question that McCray's ordeal has changed his and his family's life forever. Through it all, though, the family - which includes Justin's sister Megan - has borne it together.
"(Megan) was with us in Jackson (when McCray began his recovery) and she went to Germany with us," said Rico Maye, Justin's father. "The school fixed it so she could do her classes online like Justin. I don't think she'd have it any other way.
"We're a close-knit family, and we're always together. I think that's helped Justin in his recovery."
But while having the support of family, friends and the community at large has played a big role in where McCray is today, his coach ultimately points to McCray himself as having the biggest role in his recovery.
"He has a strong faith, and it's a family that believes in prayer," White said. "But, mostly, it's his makeup. He's a fighter. Most of the time, he's positive. And those are things that can't be measured by doctors."
[1] First, the bone marrow is removed under local anesthesia via thin-needle minipuncture to the hip bone. The next day, the stem cells are separated in the lab. The third day, the stem cells are injected into the spinal fluid under local anesthesia between L4 and L5.
Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Injured Athlete to Return to School
by Stan Caldwell
Hattiesburg American - January 10, 2010
Monday will be a red-letter day for Justin McCray.
Bright and early on Monday morning, McCray will meet the bus outside his home in the Glendale community and go to school.
So, why is that a big deal, you ask?
Because McCray, a junior at North Forrest High School, has not attended classes for more than a year, ever since he was seriously injured in a junior varsity football game.
Monday will be his first day back in class since his injury.
"I'm real excited about it," McCray said. "I like being up there at school with all my classmates."
Not only will it be a big day for McCray, but it will be a big day for the school.
"He has gotten so much back, just since we came back from Germany."
"It's going to be a huge day," North Forrest football coach Shannon White said. "It's been a long journey for him, his family and for our school. We're looking forward to his getting on somewhat of a getting-back-to-normal situation."
Since suffering a broken neck in a game at Purvis on Sept. 9, 2008, McCray has made slow, but steady, progress in his bid to regain the use of his legs.
"He has definitely made tremendous progress," said physical therapist Jennifer Stewart, owner of Excelerated Rehab and Fitness. "He has made so many gains in so many areas."
Despite missing more than a year of class time, Justin is on schedule to graduate with his class in 2011, thanks to online course work provided by the school. He already is making plans to attend Southern Mississippi.
"It's really important for me to know I can still graduate with my class," McCray said. "I've always been a goal-oriented person. I'm thinking about (a major in) marketing. But, I'm also looking at some other avenues."
A trip to Germany in August for a stem-cell procedure appears to have made a significant impact in McCray's recovery.
"It was different, very different," McCray said. [1] "They went up in my hip bone and took the stem cells out, then injected me in my spinal canal. It left me with a bad headache for about a day. But other than that, it wasn't too bad."
The procedure, involves removing bone marrow from the patient, from which the stem cells are processed, then implanting the cells back into the patient.
The clinic claims about a 60 percent success rate in patients with spinal-cord injuries.
McCray still needs a wheelchair to get around, but he's now strong enough to move a non-mechanized chair himself, and has gained the ability to move himself from his wheelchair.
He's regained significant movement and feeling from his waist up, and is starting to regain at least some feeling in his feet. More importantly, he is now able to stand up in leg braces and can walk a few steps with assistance.
"We're still hopeful that he'll get up and be able to walk," said Marche' Maye, Justin's mother. "He has gotten so much back, just since we came back. He's starting to feel things below his waist, and he's gotten some of his personal things back."
Those, "personal things," such as the ability to use the bathroom unassisted, are among the things people take for granted. But for someone who has been paralyzed, regaining that ability can be a major step.
"We can't imagine what that's like," Stewart said. "All of his goals relating to therapy are pointed toward gaining as much independence as possible. The more independent we can make him, the better it is for him."
There is no question that McCray's ordeal has changed his and his family's life forever. Through it all, though, the family - which includes Justin's sister Megan - has borne it together.
"(Megan) was with us in Jackson (when McCray began his recovery) and she went to Germany with us," said Rico Maye, Justin's father. "The school fixed it so she could do her classes online like Justin. I don't think she'd have it any other way.
"We're a close-knit family, and we're always together. I think that's helped Justin in his recovery."
But while having the support of family, friends and the community at large has played a big role in where McCray is today, his coach ultimately points to McCray himself as having the biggest role in his recovery.
"He has a strong faith, and it's a family that believes in prayer," White said. "But, mostly, it's his makeup. He's a fighter. Most of the time, he's positive. And those are things that can't be measured by doctors."
[1] First, the bone marrow is removed under local anesthesia via thin-needle minipuncture to the hip bone. The next day, the stem cells are separated in the lab. The third day, the stem cells are injected into the spinal fluid under local anesthesia between L4 and L5.
Lavinia Conopan (31 years old), SCI
Car crash
We were driving home from my 25th birthday celebration when the driver took a curve too fast and lost control over the car. The car spun around, crushed and landed on its roof. I was seating in the passengers seat and was not wearing a seatbelt - so, subsequently, I flew out off the side window and landed on the asphalt - with my spine and my head. My injuries were nearly fatal and I was in a coma for 2 days and have no recollection of the next 4-5 weeks after the accident. My head and lungs were injured, my collarbone, pelvis and left leg were broken, my spleen had to be removed and the surgeons at the initial hospital performed a number of operations. Unfortunately the doctors made the fatal decision not to operate on my spine, as they suspected that the cord had been cut altogether. 9 days later, after I was transferred to a specialty clinic in Hungary, the doctors there saw that the cord was not cut, but merely pressed by a bone. This meant that, I would not have been paralyzed, had the decompressive surgery taken place immediately.
After the crash
My life had changed, I was in a wheelchair and I was in a lot of pain, but I was eager to improve my situation and really concentrated all of my energy on my physiotherapy program instead of anger and dread. My parents were devastated, my mother was crying all the time and my father was very angry and could not accept my faith. I remained very positive and tried to convince them that everything was fine, that I was fine, despite of all that had happened. Until this day I have no anger and have accepted my life in a wheelchair. From the very beginning on I refused to take pain medication
I had been a student, working toward my Doctors degree in agriculture, when the accident occurred, so I did not have a lot of savings. After we found about the possibility of receiving stem cell treatment, all of my friends donated and raised money for me, amongst other friends, colleagues, and family. I am extremely grateful for their friendship and generosity.
Stem Cell Therapy
I received my first stem cell treatment in April of 2008. The stem cells were introduced via lumbar puncture. The entire experience, from the first pick up at the airport, to the professional medical treatment and friendly service and care, was very pleasant. I had been told, that improvement could be expected within the next 6 months. After around 4 months I started to feel that my muscles were getting tired when working out during physiotherapy. I saw it as a very positive sign that my brain received information from an area of my body that was paralyzed and without sensation for the last 5 years! Eventually my spasms have increased and I gradually started to feel pain in my toes and entire legs, but most of all, I could feel that my legs were moving during physiotherapy.
The second stem cell therapy took place in January 2009. Prior to this therapy my Achilles tendon was blocked and I was unable to rotate my feet. After the second treatment I can rotate both feet and am more flexible. I still cannot feel if a hot or a cold object is touching my feet, but I can now tell weather my legs are warm or cold. When I wear my special braces for my feet, I am even able to stand up. Furthermore, I can now feel when I need to go to the toilet and my bladder capacity has increased, which is a convenient improvement for someone who is in a wheelchair. I am about to complete the next rehabilitation program and will focus these six weeks on taking my first steps.
My Thoughts on Stem Cell Therapy
I never expected to simply get up and walk away from my wheelchair after the stem cell therapy and this is not what the clinic estimated for me. Any small improvement means a world to patients with a spinal cord injury, and I am taking small steps towards improvement and I am really glad that I had the chance to benefit from this new, exiting treatment.
A personal note: During my stay at the clinic, I met Ralf, who was the driver assigned for me. We remained in friendly contact over the following months, but I had been so busy taking care of my physiotherapy and getting well over the last 6 years that I was not remotely thinking in this direction. However, the exiting news is: We are planning on getting married in September of 2009.
Car crash
We were driving home from my 25th birthday celebration when the driver took a curve too fast and lost control over the car. The car spun around, crushed and landed on its roof. I was seating in the passengers seat and was not wearing a seatbelt - so, subsequently, I flew out off the side window and landed on the asphalt - with my spine and my head. My injuries were nearly fatal and I was in a coma for 2 days and have no recollection of the next 4-5 weeks after the accident. My head and lungs were injured, my collarbone, pelvis and left leg were broken, my spleen had to be removed and the surgeons at the initial hospital performed a number of operations. Unfortunately the doctors made the fatal decision not to operate on my spine, as they suspected that the cord had been cut altogether. 9 days later, after I was transferred to a specialty clinic in Hungary, the doctors there saw that the cord was not cut, but merely pressed by a bone. This meant that, I would not have been paralyzed, had the decompressive surgery taken place immediately.
After the crash
My life had changed, I was in a wheelchair and I was in a lot of pain, but I was eager to improve my situation and really concentrated all of my energy on my physiotherapy program instead of anger and dread. My parents were devastated, my mother was crying all the time and my father was very angry and could not accept my faith. I remained very positive and tried to convince them that everything was fine, that I was fine, despite of all that had happened. Until this day I have no anger and have accepted my life in a wheelchair. From the very beginning on I refused to take pain medication
I had been a student, working toward my Doctors degree in agriculture, when the accident occurred, so I did not have a lot of savings. After we found about the possibility of receiving stem cell treatment, all of my friends donated and raised money for me, amongst other friends, colleagues, and family. I am extremely grateful for their friendship and generosity.
Stem Cell Therapy
I received my first stem cell treatment in April of 2008. The stem cells were introduced via lumbar puncture. The entire experience, from the first pick up at the airport, to the professional medical treatment and friendly service and care, was very pleasant. I had been told, that improvement could be expected within the next 6 months. After around 4 months I started to feel that my muscles were getting tired when working out during physiotherapy. I saw it as a very positive sign that my brain received information from an area of my body that was paralyzed and without sensation for the last 5 years! Eventually my spasms have increased and I gradually started to feel pain in my toes and entire legs, but most of all, I could feel that my legs were moving during physiotherapy.
The second stem cell therapy took place in January 2009. Prior to this therapy my Achilles tendon was blocked and I was unable to rotate my feet. After the second treatment I can rotate both feet and am more flexible. I still cannot feel if a hot or a cold object is touching my feet, but I can now tell weather my legs are warm or cold. When I wear my special braces for my feet, I am even able to stand up. Furthermore, I can now feel when I need to go to the toilet and my bladder capacity has increased, which is a convenient improvement for someone who is in a wheelchair. I am about to complete the next rehabilitation program and will focus these six weeks on taking my first steps.
My Thoughts on Stem Cell Therapy
I never expected to simply get up and walk away from my wheelchair after the stem cell therapy and this is not what the clinic estimated for me. Any small improvement means a world to patients with a spinal cord injury, and I am taking small steps towards improvement and I am really glad that I had the chance to benefit from this new, exiting treatment.
A personal note: During my stay at the clinic, I met Ralf, who was the driver assigned for me. We remained in friendly contact over the following months, but I had been so busy taking care of my physiotherapy and getting well over the last 6 years that I was not remotely thinking in this direction. However, the exiting news is: We are planning on getting married in September of 2009.
Ante Protrka (55 years Old), SCI
How It Happened
In August 2004, I had a terrible accident, I fell down from my house roof (approx. height 8 meters). That resulted with a diagnosis of Tetraplegia C3,ASIA A.
Since then, I've been paralyzed from my neck down. I can`t move my arms or my legs. I am completely dependent on the help of others but luckily, I have a wonderful wife and two daughters who do their best every day to provide me everything I need.
My First Treatment
In December 2008 I decided to undergo stem cell treatment.
Everything went on according to their expectations and doctors and medical stuff gave me a great hope and optimism that my condition would improve in a certain time.
This year, in May 2010, I felt my first improvements. I don`t have any spasms in my arms. Also, I can slightly move my legs (not my feet) - actually I can pull them upper and bend them in my knees.
Now, I am planning to go for another treatment and I believe there will be more and more positive results.
How It Happened
In August 2004, I had a terrible accident, I fell down from my house roof (approx. height 8 meters). That resulted with a diagnosis of Tetraplegia C3,ASIA A.
Since then, I've been paralyzed from my neck down. I can`t move my arms or my legs. I am completely dependent on the help of others but luckily, I have a wonderful wife and two daughters who do their best every day to provide me everything I need.
My First Treatment
In December 2008 I decided to undergo stem cell treatment.
Everything went on according to their expectations and doctors and medical stuff gave me a great hope and optimism that my condition would improve in a certain time.
This year, in May 2010, I felt my first improvements. I don`t have any spasms in my arms. Also, I can slightly move my legs (not my feet) - actually I can pull them upper and bend them in my knees.
Now, I am planning to go for another treatment and I believe there will be more and more positive results.
Anna Gundarova (10 years old), Spina Bifida
Home: Latvia
Herewith I shall try to state briefly our story…
Anna's condition prior to the treatment in the clinic
Anna was born ten years ago with severe spinal cord injuries: pre-natal fusion of nerve endings, a myelocele with all inevitable consequences. During the operation, which had been performed on the second day after her birth, a surgeon's scalpel did its job and released nerve endings, but the way the signal goes from the brain to the spinal cord and then to the feet was damaged. As a result of all this, Anna could not walk without somebody's assistance, and could not control the function of small pelvic organs.
For ten long years, Anna had been passing through all possible rehabilitation courses: massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture, laser therapy, swimming, pelotherapy, electrotherapy, phototherapy, hydropathic treatment - to name a few.
It is impossible not to admit that our efforts were not unsuccessful. Our daughter was growing up and developing, but the signal through the spinal cord never reached her feet. She did not have any sensation in her legs. Conventional medicine offered us only one choice: to adapt ourselves to her existing condition.
Beyond question, we had achieved rather good results for these years but time was not working in our favor. Her body was growing up and developing only partially, to the knees, but her knees, shins, and feet lagged increasingly in growth and development, year by year. We could not manage to succeed in controlling the functions of the small pelvic organs.
Stem Cell Treatment
And here is the blessed day of June, 9, 2010 when the medical team, with God's help, had worked a wonder; maybe unnoticeable in this great and bustling world. The girl named Anna started feeling her feet, and gastrocnemius muscles pricking just the day after the operation! This process was increasing with every passing day, and within two weeks, it became evident that her legs were being filled with life, like small branches on a tree are being filled with life-giving sap. Anna can now stand on her own without using orthopedic footwear, control her upright position, and today, the 5th of July, she has felt the need to use the bathroom.
We have a lot of work to do in future but these attempts will be pleasant and new progress will encourage us!
My daughter and I are overfilled with positive emotions! We advise all the parents who have the similar problems to apply to the clinic. They are working wonders there!
Home: Latvia
Herewith I shall try to state briefly our story…
Anna's condition prior to the treatment in the clinic
Anna was born ten years ago with severe spinal cord injuries: pre-natal fusion of nerve endings, a myelocele with all inevitable consequences. During the operation, which had been performed on the second day after her birth, a surgeon's scalpel did its job and released nerve endings, but the way the signal goes from the brain to the spinal cord and then to the feet was damaged. As a result of all this, Anna could not walk without somebody's assistance, and could not control the function of small pelvic organs.
For ten long years, Anna had been passing through all possible rehabilitation courses: massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture, laser therapy, swimming, pelotherapy, electrotherapy, phototherapy, hydropathic treatment - to name a few.
It is impossible not to admit that our efforts were not unsuccessful. Our daughter was growing up and developing, but the signal through the spinal cord never reached her feet. She did not have any sensation in her legs. Conventional medicine offered us only one choice: to adapt ourselves to her existing condition.
Beyond question, we had achieved rather good results for these years but time was not working in our favor. Her body was growing up and developing only partially, to the knees, but her knees, shins, and feet lagged increasingly in growth and development, year by year. We could not manage to succeed in controlling the functions of the small pelvic organs.
Stem Cell Treatment
And here is the blessed day of June, 9, 2010 when the medical team, with God's help, had worked a wonder; maybe unnoticeable in this great and bustling world. The girl named Anna started feeling her feet, and gastrocnemius muscles pricking just the day after the operation! This process was increasing with every passing day, and within two weeks, it became evident that her legs were being filled with life, like small branches on a tree are being filled with life-giving sap. Anna can now stand on her own without using orthopedic footwear, control her upright position, and today, the 5th of July, she has felt the need to use the bathroom.
We have a lot of work to do in future but these attempts will be pleasant and new progress will encourage us!
My daughter and I are overfilled with positive emotions! We advise all the parents who have the similar problems to apply to the clinic. They are working wonders there!
Fabrizio Corbelli (23 years old), Spinal Amyothophy
Home Country: Italy
My name is Fabrizio Corbelli. I am 23 years old and I was born in Cattolica, Rimini, Italy. At the age of 2 years, I was diagnosed with Benign Spinal Amyotrophy. Although my life has not been easy at all, I have never given up.
After stem cell therapy in February 2009, my muscle mass increased, I gained weight and my fitness improved until I could tolerate an upright posture. Because I was able to work on my balance, pelvic rotation also improved. Spinal curvature was slightly reduced; including a decompression of the thorax which facilitated increased breathing capacity.
Considering these improvements and following the advice of the doctors who examine me regularly, I decided to repeat the treatment in March 2010 in order to further improve my overall health. This second stem cell treatment has been successful in terms of posture, muscular structure and psychological state as well. I would like to strongly emphasize this latter aspect which, in my opinion, is of fundamental importance when considering treatment improvements.
In addition, I would also like to mention the friendliness and extraordinary attention of the entire medical staff at the center.
Home Country: Italy
My name is Fabrizio Corbelli. I am 23 years old and I was born in Cattolica, Rimini, Italy. At the age of 2 years, I was diagnosed with Benign Spinal Amyotrophy. Although my life has not been easy at all, I have never given up.
After stem cell therapy in February 2009, my muscle mass increased, I gained weight and my fitness improved until I could tolerate an upright posture. Because I was able to work on my balance, pelvic rotation also improved. Spinal curvature was slightly reduced; including a decompression of the thorax which facilitated increased breathing capacity.
Considering these improvements and following the advice of the doctors who examine me regularly, I decided to repeat the treatment in March 2010 in order to further improve my overall health. This second stem cell treatment has been successful in terms of posture, muscular structure and psychological state as well. I would like to strongly emphasize this latter aspect which, in my opinion, is of fundamental importance when considering treatment improvements.
In addition, I would also like to mention the friendliness and extraordinary attention of the entire medical staff at the center.